I know that it can feel like an uphill battle to keep your desk tidy whilst having so many other important tasks to carry out. But what if I told you that achieving a state of mental clarity and productivity could begin with something as simple as organising your office space?
In this blog we will explore the fascinating connection between workspace organisation and mental well-being, along with practical tips to create an environment that fosters productivity and peace of mind.
Numerous studies have shown that clutter and disorganisation in our physical environment can lead to stress levels, and decreased productivity. When our surroundings are chaotic, our brains have to work harder to filter out irrelevant information, leading to mental fatigue and decreased focus.
Having a tidy and well organised space can promote feelings of calmness, clarity and creativity, enabling us to perform at our best.
Therefore if you allow yourself time to declutter your space, you will benefit personally from doing this as well as increase your productivity.
Let’s explore some practical ways to clear your clutter, leaving you feeling organised and proud, and able to work in an effective and efficient way.
Sort through your paper/items and group them together. Only keep what you really need to keep. Put these items where they belong.
Consider what you need to have on your desk. The aim is to keep it as clear as possible.
Can you do with away with dumping trays? Those areas on your desk where everything and anything is put. It may take a few seconds to file straightaway, but that time is increased if you put it in a tray/on your desk, then need to search to find the piece and eventually file it away.
Implement a To Do Tray and clearly write the action that you need to take on each piece of paper. Adding a date to action will help ensure you carry out your tasks on time.
Invest in storage solutions that work for you. There’s such a wide variety available these days. It is better to have space within your storage for your papers/products to increase than to try and squeeze everything in.
Have a few items around you that make you happy. This could be pictures on the wall, to a plant (where there are many benefits), to a treasured item. Ultimately, you want to make a space that leaves you feeling calm and able to concentrate.
Once you have invested your time, schedule in 15 minutes a week to maintain your clear and calm space. This simple method will prevent clutter from accumulating and help you to start each week with a clean slate.
Schedule time at least once a year to review your files to ensure you only keep what you need to keep. For instance, do papers that need to be kept for legal reasons need to be stored in their current filing system?
By taking the above steps you are not just creating a more visually pleasing environment, you are also improving your mental clarity, your ability to focus and your productivity.
So, give yourself a treat and declutter your space so that you can start afresh with your organised and pleasing surroundings.
Totally agree yet I'm still often guilty if this. Some great tips here. x